Friday 6 May 2011

summer is coming!

This is the most peaceful I have felt in a long long time.

I sit at my desk. The hubbub has finally died down around me and all I can hear is the hissing of a patient's O2 and our fan in the station, whirring at the sound level of a Cessna.

My boss has been away for the entire week and she did not bother to inform anyone of that fact. The nurses discuss this avidly. How did she get nominated for Nursing Manager Excellency?, they all wonder in the staff room while on break together.

But who cares? I'm done work in less than three hours and have the entire weekend off. It's supposed to rain later today, but clear up and remain sunny for the rest of the weekend. The happiest thought is that summer is coming. Summer is coming! Warm dry days, thunderstorms that crackle and leave your hair frizzy, sunburns, flipflops, the smell of sunscreen, campfires, long days with vibrant sunsets, twilight when everything seems almost magical, walking down James Street and seeing the kaleidoscope of cultures stirred together...Summer is coming!

I remain cheerful despite the fact that it's terribly grey outside and the rain is inevitably going to fall again. My boyfriend is a wonderful and giving person. My animals are hysterically cute and amusing with their antics. My sister makes for a great roommate despite the fact that she keeps stealing my hair products and shoes. The apartment itself is a lovely space that I'm growing to appreciate more and more...

Yes, I have much to be grateful for. I hope you are anticipating this summer and period of warmth as much as I am!

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